So, I've been ignoring my blog for a while because I've been trying to get too many things done at once. It seems that I've finally managed to get things under control now so I thought I should stop ignoring it.
I have a lot of things going on in Spring. Normally I'm trying to get my garden back up to speed (which takes a lot of work when you live in an area that isn't all that great for gardening, like I do). This year we also stocked up on firewood for next winter already. Got a great deal but ended up getting most of the wood just blocked. Blocked means it is still in rounds, unsplit but cut to the correct size. So, in addition to my normal spring jobs I'm splitting about three cords of blocked wood, some of the pieces bigger around than my torso. Good exercise but time consuming. We got a new batch of baby chickens which require attention as well.
We also had a cat pass away on us. Explaining to the kids what was up wasn't pleasant. We replaced him and the new cat passed away after about a month also. With our two oldest cats still very healthy, we don't know what caused it, so we're staying as a two cat household for the time being until we discover and rectify whatever the problem is.
The overload regarding writing was that I was trying to proof the trade paperback edition of Merlin's Awakening (#1 in the An Untimely Error series) at the same time as trying to edit the electronic version of Merlin's Travels (#2 in the series) so I can submit it to other online stores than Amazon. All of that while writing #3 in the series, the upcoming release Merlin's Target (which will finish the trilogy).
Something had to be delayed. So, I'm focusing on writing #3. Once I finish that I'll have my wife do the first proofread/edit. While she does that I'll go back to the trade paperback copy and finish the proof and make it available. Then I'll do my first major edit on #3 and have it proofread and edited again. While that occurs, I'll do the changes on #2 necessary for submission to other online stores. Then a final proof/edit on #3 and release it on Amazon.
I'm well underway on #3. I'm just about halfway done writing it and since I decided to delay the other tasks I need to do writing-wise the speed with which I'm writing has dramatically increased.
I hope to keep this blog updated more often now that I've pared down my workload into manageable chunks.