Thursday, December 26, 2019

In Amazon's hands now. Just set up Light Online Book Two: Keeper to publish

As the subject lines says, I just finished uploading everything for Keeper onto Amazon. Once they have it live, I'll update this post with a link..


Link for US store:

US link for the .com store is now live (others should follow soon, but I won't list them. ASIN for searching on Amazon in other countries, is: B0835TCQDB )

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Finished writing Light Online #2: Keeper

So I finished writing the second book in my Light Online series yesterday. I need to give it a day or two, and then I'll do the first proofreading on it, have my editor take their turn, then do a final proofread myself. I hope to have it published before Christmas, but that will essentially depend on the editor and the cover designer coming through in time.

In other news, Tantor has purchased the rights for the audiobooks for the first three books of my Light Online series, and possibly #4 and #5 as well, assuming the series does well. They said we'd discuss that later.

I also acquired a new cover for the first book in the series. My daughter declined the option to do covers for the other four books in the series, so I'm replacing the first one as well in an attempt to keep the same artist for all the covers.

Here's the new cover. It'll probably get changed out on Amazon around the same time I publish the second book so I can do all the changes to the first one (like adding a link to book #2 in the back of book #1) at the same time. If you'd like, feel free to let me know your opinion on the new cover in the comments section here.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Yes, for those wondering this is the same Tom Larcombe that is currently releasing the Litrpg series Light Online on Amazon. Also, yes, I'll be posting to this blog again now. I didn't get a lot of folks visiting when I was using it before, but I'll drop a link into the back of the next Light Online book letting people know that they can communicate with me through this blog.

For those reading Light Online, the second book is almost completed, I've got 1-2 chapters to go, depending on if I can wrap everything up in a single chapter or not. Then it's off to the editor and waiting on a cover before it's published.

Also, for those wondering, my daughter will not be continuing to make covers for the series and I'll be replacing the cover on the first one as well. She declined when I asked if she wanted to make the covers for the rest of the series like she did the first one, so I've got a cover artist making a replacement for the first one, then doing the second one for me.
