Sunday, June 7, 2020

Sorry for no posts/replies as of late

I'm a bit behind on Book #4. After being sick for two weeks, then having another several weeks where I couldn't focus well enough to write (never mind focus well enough to write, I couldn't even focus well enough to read. I kept forgetting what had happened earlier in the books I tried to read. Talk about torture, I hated not being able to read just as much as I did being sick.) it has left me behind on book #4.

I've just recently gotten back to where I can probably manage my normal writing schedule (one chapter of 4-5 thousand words per day, 5 days a week, for those curious) and keep it going again. I am already more than halfway through writing the book, so I should manage to finish writing it in June, but between proofreading, editing, and all the other after-writing portions of publication it won't get published until July.

My apologies to all for the delay.
