Friday, December 31, 2021

Control System, Natural Laws Apocalypse #3, now live on Amazon

 Sorry, I'd intended to post this yesterday, but high winds had us without power for most of the day yesterday, and it took the net an hour or more to get restored after the power came back. I could've posted from my phone, but I really hate typing anything more than a line or two on there.

Control System is now live on Amazon, at:

Control System



Friday, October 1, 2021

System Return now available on Amazon

 System Return is published and available on Amazon at:

System Return

Now, since I didn't take any time off between books #1 and #2 for this series, I'm going to take a few days to try to catch up on my TBR pile. Especially with the new KU limit of 20 books, I've got a pile of them waiting for me. First, Venom 2 tonight though. Kind of my reward for finishing the book and getting it available.

My tentative schedule at this point has book #3, Control System, coming out in January of 2022. I know that my writing speed tends to slow through late November and December so I'm trying to account for that.

Hope you enjoy the new book,


Saturday, September 25, 2021

System Return, book #2 in Natural Laws Apocalypse, hopefully out on the first of October

 I just finished the first few chapters of my final proof on book #2 of Natural Laws Apocalypse (System Return).  I'm hoping to have it available on Amazon for October 1st. If not it will be very shortly thereafter.

In the meanwhile, I thought I'd drop the cover for the book. I thought it was fitting that this one is being released in October.



Sunday, August 1, 2021

 I've got my next book up on Amazon, well, it's submitted anyhow. It'll be available as soon as they're finished with it.

The title is Enter System and it's the first in a litrpg/gamelit apocalypse series. It has elements of base building, adventuring, personal growth, snarky sidekicks, and a System in charge of it all of course.

Here's a thumbnail of the cover:

I'll edit this post to add a link to the book once it's live on Amazon.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Crow Hill - Crystal Invasion finally submitted to Amazon.

 I finally got this one uploaded to Amazon. It had more proofing and editing needed than I'd thought, but it's up now. I'll update this post with a link when it goes live and send out my newsletter with the link within a day or so of it going live.

Crystal Invasion:On Amazon here



Saturday, April 10, 2021

Crow Hill #4 finished (also finish of the Crow Hill series)

 I just finished writing Crow Hill #4: Crystal Invasion. It does still need proofing, editing, and the like so it won't be published for a few weeks still, but the story itself is finished.

For my Crow Hill readers, sorry for the delay. I'd intended to write this sooner, but when my brain refused to stay on it and insisted I write other things, I listened to it. It tends to make for a better story that way. But the wait is over and #4 is done and will hopefully be published before the end of April.

Next on my writing agenda is another VR style Litrpg/Gamelit book. It may be a standalone, but if I like it enough I have tentative plans that could stretch it into a three book series.

After that I've got plans for a Litrpg/Gamelit apocalypse style series. I'd call it a system apocalypse style, but I don't want to infringe on Tao Wong with that, so just Litrpg Apocalypse will do.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but much like a lot of other people, my RL is weird right now, motivation is difficult to come by. Hoping my writing motivation improves with the new books I'll be writing and they go more quickly.
