Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Natural Laws Apocalypse #8 - System End

 I've just uploaded everything for the final book in my Natural Laws Apocalypse series to Amazon. Natural Laws Apocalypse #8 - System End should be live shortly. When it is, I'll add a link to this post.

ETA: Now live on amazon .com at:

If your normal store isn't the .com store, you can just search for the ASIN: B0CJ1M8C2P


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Audio book discount for Alt System - Natural Laws Apocalypse book #5

 I just got an email from my audio book people (Tantor) about a 50% discount on the audio book for Alt System, the fifth book in my Natural Laws Apocalypse series. Here's the link:

Feel free to share that link if you like, I don't do audio myself, prefer to actually read, so I don't know where it would be most appropriate.


Thursday, May 11, 2023

Natural Laws Apocalypse #7 - System Function uploaded to Amazon


I've got #7 uploaded to Amazon now. As soon as they tell me it's live, I'll get a link published here.


ETA - Very quick turnaround from Amazon today. For US Amazon users (.com) the link is:

For non-US users you'll want to search for ASIN: B0C4ZRYNCX in your relevant Amazon site.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Natural Laws Apocalypse #6, System Shift

 I just uploaded this one to Amazon (1/17/23), so it should be available shortly.

I'll update this post with a link to the .com version for the US store and the ASIN for other stores to find it once it goes live.

Went up early this morning. System Shift is available on Amazon's .com store at:

The ASIN to search for in Amazon's other stores is: B0BSLLGK9S
