Thursday, March 26, 2020

Light Online Three: Leader is submitted to Amazon. Just waiting on them now.

As mentioned in the subject line I've submitted Light Online Three: Leader to Amazon. Now it's in review on their end. Once they get it to publishing status I'll edit this post to add a link to the US version here as well as the ASIN to search for on other sites.

Live on US site:

For those that don't use the US site, you can search for it by asin on your local amazon site to see if it is live on yours.



Saturday, March 21, 2020

Light Online Three - Leader should be ready in a few days.

Light Online Three is with the editor and they should be done with it in another day or two. Once they finish, I just need to do a final proof and then I'll publish it. Looks like the 25th - 28th, somewhere in that range.

There won't be a map in #3, but I will get one done up for the front matter on book #4 when that gets released. I know a number of people have asked me for one and I intend to get a program I've checked out and get the map made soon. when I do, I'll see if I can publish it here first for those who were looking for one.
