Thursday, August 1, 2024

Book 2 of Wormhole Mana, Proliferation, is now available

 After way too long I just got book #2 in my current series published.

It's available on Amazon at:

or search for ASIN: B0DBSXQ5WM if you use something other than .com for Amazon.

I was unsatisfied with the cover for #1, so when I managed to get a new cover provider for #2, I had them redo the cover for #1 also. I much prefer the new one.

If you missed that book it's also on Amazon at:


  1. Loved book 2 and can't wait for book 3 but i gotta ask why they haven't just grabbed a semi and a enclosed trailer. Trailers would make a hell of a wall and shooting platform.

  2. Driving a semi is a relatively specialized skill, although possibly one Darryl might have, but mainly because without an awful lot of terraforming they wouldn't be able to pull them into position. Plus they'd need an awful lot of them to completely encircle the safe zone at this point and the nearest ones would probably be in Pueblo and would need more vehicles pushed out of the way to get them back. It's doable, but without someone suggesting it and saying they have the skill to drive one, not likely to happen.

  3. Thats cool, How about a mad max school bus? just a thought

  4. Loved your first 2 books but what is the city that is near max's house or the lab?

    1. The small town near the lab and Max's house is called Townsford. I haven't actually used the name in the book because I'm trying to give it the feel of a small, rural, postage stamp of a town. Population only a few hundred. I figured not using the name would emphasize both its size and the lack of regard the residents hold for it.
      Of course, it doesn't actually exist, even if the stereotype has examples all over.


  5. I've got to know, is Buckley a reference to the Joe Buckley in the David Weber books?

  6. I covered that in the author's note. Buckley is a reference to the character in John Ringo's Legacy of the Aldenata series (aka Posleen war series).
    They guy who (in an armored powered combat suit) managed to stick his hand out to put a grenade in debris, then failed to pull it back in time and got it blown off. Also the same character who had an entire half spaceship come landing on him after it was destroyed. The character I was thinking of gave off the same bad luck vibes, so that's how I named him.


  7. LOL, Pretty sure that it's the same Joe Buckley. David Weber starting killing Joe Buckley in all of his books and when the two of them collaborated on the "Empire of Man" series, I think John Ringo picked it up.

  8. Yeah, it might well be. That's where I originally encountered Ringo's writing, on that series, co-authored with David Weber, so when I saw it the first of the aldenata series on one of Baen's free libraries of books (I'm old enough it was still in CD format then) I jumped on it and ended up getting all of those. I didn't remember Buckley being used in the Weber stuff on my own, but now that you mention it it seems to ring a bell. Been a few years since I read much of Weber. I occasionally re-read some of the Ringo so that was fresher in my head.


  9. Well I'm turning 59 in September, so I remember those CDs as well. I was a huge fan of the Baen Library, that's where I first read Flint, Ringo, and Weber. If you haven't read Eric Flint's "Mother of Demons", I can't recommend it enough.

  10. Yeah, 57 here as of the past May.
    They actually have those online now to download. Just search for 'baen free library' in your search engine of choice. I think they come in a variety of ebook formats there as well.
    I don't think I've read Mother of Demons, I mainly remember Flint for his 1632 series. I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the recommendation.

  11. Flint was one of my favorite authors. He was actually the co-founder of the Baen Free Library along with Jim Baen. He asked the other Baen authors to contribute at least one book but he contributed all of his solo books to the library. His collaborations with Weber in the Honor Harrington series were some of the best books in the series. Really bummed when he passed away in 2022.

  12. There is also, or at least used to be, an entire one of those discs from Baen that was all one arc of the Honor Harrington stuff, something like 8 or 10 books. I'm not sure if that one is still up there or not.
    I did like most of his stuff that I'd read, so I agree it was a serious loss when he passed away.
