Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Extended Availability

Now that Merlin's Target, the last book in An Untimely Error, is available I've been going back and adding the first two to different distributors. Merlin's Awakening and Merlin's Travels are now on both Smashwords (and everyone they distribute to) and Google Play. I've set Merlin's Awakening to free on Smashwords in hopes of garnering more interest in the series. The links for these two books are as follows:

Merlin's Awakening:
Smashwords (free):
Merlin's Awakening

Google Play:
Merlin's Awakening on Google Play

Merlin's Travels:
Merlin's Travels on Smashwords

Google Play:
Merlin's Travels on Google Play

And the good news is that I've already gotten the first book in my next series written. The first draft is done. Proofreading and editing is now started. It was banging around in my head hard enough that I had to do the final proof of Merlin's Target during the day and then write the new book in my free time at night. The series is called "Crow Hill" but I don't have the title pinned down for book one yet. I haven't found one that seems exactly right.

Merlin's Target will migrate to Smashwords and Google Play after its 90 days in KDP select. Hopefully, I'll have them reformatted and waiting to go when the time period is up and I'll upload them the next day.


Monday, August 18, 2014

Merlin's Target

So, I finally managed to finish proofing and editing on Merlin's Target, the third and final book in An Untimely Error. It's on Amazon already and is available at:


I've almost finished writing the first book in my new series, which is why the third Merlin took so long to become available. I find it difficult to sit down and simply proofread when I have a new story trying to take over my brain.

The new story is a bit of a genre mix up. But it does take place in the same world setting as the Merlin books. The time frame is different, the new series will advance the timeline there by seventy+ years from the end of Merlin's Target. I'll post more about this new series later on, after I get some opinions from beta readers.
