Monday, July 13, 2020

Just finished writing Book #4 in the Light Online series.

Earlier today I finished writing Light Online book #4: Defender. The actual writing part at least. It will still need a full proofread and editing, but the writing portion is finished and I should manage to publish book #4 before the end of this month.

It comes in right around the word count of the others at about 124,500, give or take, before any changes to that from proofing or editing.



  1. So how much longer do you think it'll be until we can get our hands on the new book? Out of all the LitRPG authors I've ran across your one of the better ones, and I'm really looking forward to the new book.

  2. Well, the editor will start in on it Friday, they said. I'm in the midst of downloading the mapping program to add the map I promised in the front of the next book right now and I anticipate having that done before the editor is. Once I get the manuscript back from the editor, I'll need to do one final proofread. So it will probably be up in the last week of this month.

    Sorry for the delay.


    1. No cause for apologies Sir. I was just trying to get an idea on the time frame, all the series that I'm reading right now I'm waiting on authors to finish their next book and life is a cold boring place when you have nothing good to read.

      Thanks very much for the update, and keep on with the good work.

  3. That is really good news. I enjoy the series very much.
    It would be great to have more books set in the same world. I think you have great game mechanics. The real world stuff isn't my favourite.
    Thanks again

  4. Any info on the timeline for the release of Crystal Invasion?

    1. I had originally intended to have it out for the end of the year, but it might be a month or so longer now having fallen behind on my schedule.

